FSSAI: Strengthening the Quality Control Mechanism of Fortified Rice, Fortified Rice Kernels [FRK] and Premix for FRK

On 8th November 2023, FSSAI issued an order regarding strengthening of Quality Control Mechanism of Fortified Rice, Fortified Rice Kernels [FRK] and Premix for FRK. As per the order, FBOs manufacturing FRK and premix for FRK shall be required to obtain only FSSAI License (Central/ State) and no new registration shall be allowed. A transition time of 3 months is given to the existing Registered FBOs to shift to license. Also, every batch of FRK premix and FRK manufactured shall be tested for relevant parameters as prescribed under FSSR and the test reports shall be uploaded on FoSCoS portal by the FBOs mandatorily.

Find the order here