FSSAI: Clarification regarding the categorization of ‘Health Drinks / Energy Drinks’ on the E-Commerce website

On 3rd April 2024, FSSAI issued a letter to all E-commerce FBOs regarding health and energy drinks clarification. The term- ”Energy” drinks are permitted to be used on the products licensed under FCS & (Carbonated & non-carbonated water-based flavoured drinks), standardized under sub-regulation 2.10.6 (2) of FSS (FPSFA) Regulations 2011. All e-commerce FBOs are advised to remove / de-link such drinks/beverages falling under the purview of the FSS Act 2006 from the category of ‘Health Drinks / Energy Drinks’ on their website and place such products in the appropriate category as provided under the extant law.

Read the letter here.